Saturday, November 27, 2010

2010...Moving, teaching, but not blogging

Hi all,

I just wanted to reach back to the blog and get going with writing again...

I know the entire year has past and things have been busy with Adobe releasing CS5 to the world and all the training commitments that came with that...

I have two CS5 training DVDs available from Class On Demand, one is an introduction to the CS5 Production Premium Suite product, and the other, a deeper look at Premiere Pro CS5 itself.

I've also been teaching Premiere Pro CS5 at, we're on the second term now, and I think that there are a lot of people seeing what Adobe Premiere Pro is really capable of for the first time.

In a very short couple of weeks, I'll be doing a free webinar for BorisFX, so look for that...

AND... I'll be picking up the blogging function again.

2011 here we come...


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back from some time off...

...well, not really time off. I've been in production, but away from the blog.

I'll be taking a look at GoPro's new HD POV cameras (I just got a pair within the last few weeks), so stay tuned for that...

And also, be mindful that the frequency allocation shifts are happening this year and those of you with wireless instrument or microphone transmitters that use frequencies in the range between 698-806MHz are supposed to be dark by June 12, 2010.

Lectrosonics has a take on it which is largely self-evident in it's title: "The Sky Is NOT Falling!"

More coming in 2010...I had just gotten used to writing "2009" on my checks. A sure sign of aging I'm afraid.
